EPIC: Turning Ideas into Reality

Raw Ideas:

You may have a brilliant idea that has a great utility that solves a real problem or has great utility but solving a real problem and recognizing the opportunity and resurfacing the idea needs mentoring. EPIC is supported by seven lifelong entrepreneurs with a combined experience of over 250 years who can mentor you to turn your ideas into reality.

Idea germination in EPIC:

This is the seeding stage of a new idea. It is the stage where the entrepreneur recognizes that an opportunity exists. The idea germination takes place according to the interest, and curiosity of the entrepreneur according to which opportunity is explored and exploited to its best potential. A creative idea germinates besides the interest, the need for a specific problem or area of study.


On the basis of the idea, interest, and curiosity the need is adjudged by the entrepreneur and he starts looking for the answer to implement the idea. If the idea is to launch a new product or service then market research is conducted. That happens because the seed of curiosity has taken the form of an idea; the entrepreneurs foresee the future of the product.

EPIC Incubation:

This is the subconscious assimilation of information. This is the transition period. The entrepreneur starts thinking about the idea in his subconscious mind and looks for support to implement. Now EPIC comes into play again. Epic is fully equipped, to offer a state of art facilities to young engineers for starting their own ventures.  


In this period of illumination, the idea re-surfaces in a realistic way and the entrepreneur comes out with a viable plan to give practical shape by collecting raw material, arranging funds, policy–making for the implementation of the idea. EPIC has its own program to offer seed money to deserving candidates/ projects. EPIC will also assist the selected incubatees in applying for funds from various government-sponsored schemes


Also called the validation or testing stage. This is where the idea is verified to prove that it has value. This is the most difficult phase of creativity as obstacles begin to appear. This is the developing stage in which knowledge is
developed into the application.


It is the process of entrepreneurship that involves the translation of a useful idea into an application that has commercial value. It takes persistent effort to work out analytically the details of the enterprise or service, develop marketing strategies, organize finances, and strategize operations.

About The EPIC:

When we wish to train our upcoming generation in Entrepreneurship, we will be better equipped for the job, if we have an actual Enterprise to demonstrate and train them. We have a team of successful, real-life entrepreneurs who are truly willing to take it up and guide our upcoming generation in Entrepreneurship – without any profit motive.